Jun. 2012
VirtualRehab survey results validate its effectiveness

VirtualRehab survey results validate its effectiveness


In early March, VirtualRehab was present at the inauguration of the EMLABS Center, the first establishment in Europe for virtual rehabilitation, promoted by the Epalza Eugenia Basque Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis. It is the first rehabilitation product that combines Kinect technology, 3D environments and tele-rehabilitation. Since then a study for product validation, involving 20 MS patients with different levels of motor skills, has been held in the new center. The study was carried out in two weekly sessions supervised by a physiotherapist, following the scales of balance, fatigue, depression and anxiety at the beginning and end of the study.

The results were presented at a socio-scientific conference organized by the Basque Multiple Sclerosis Foundation on the occasion of World Multiple Sclerosis Day. The first data obtained reveal notable improvements in the patients, especially in static and dynamic balance, in levels of fatigue and the degree of functional independence. In addition to this, there has been a notable adherence to the treatment which has resulted in the effective management of patients with anxiety.

Julio Álvarez, Director of the Virtualware Health Unit, with Erika Otxoa, head of physiotherapy services of the Bizkaia MS Association, highlighted the advantages of virtual rehabilitation in patients who have had greater motivation as they stop fighting the disease and start fighting against the game. A recovery of movement is gained in a more entertaining way, leaving out the routine.

Therapists and specialists of the Basque MS Foundation have faith that virtual rehabilitation therapy is the future, because data supports the patients’ ability to learn to use the tool, its good acceptance and the absence of problems in its use, plus it allows the monitoring and evaluation of exercises.

VirtualRehab promotes social interaction either in care centers or over the Internet. It is the first platform that incorporates technology in the Cloud. It is based on Microsoft ® Azure, allowing online access and control while ensuring service reliability and security. The tele-rehabilitation aspect of the product, increases treatment possibilities, improves coverage of the needs of people with disabilities, and with it their independence and quality of life.

The product has attracted interest from companies such as Merck-Serono, Almirall, Biogen, who trust in the potential of the product especially for the progress represented in the field of tele-rehabilitation.

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